Sunday, August 14, 2016


Good Day,

Exciting morning aboard the Shadowside as we have passed the half way point of our voyage.

The Crew was rousted to the call of "Dolphins Ho" as a pod of approximately twenty dolphins cavorted next to, around and under the Shadowside this morning.

Lee is preparing to stream his fishing line and we are all hopeful that we will have fresh tuna for our half-way dinner tonight.

Your probably getting tired of this, however it is another spectacular day out here on the Blue Pacific!

Have a great day!


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  1. Timely arrival of the dolphins sending you cheers on passing the half-way mark in your voyage. Now THAT, for me at least, is a great reason to greet the morning. Good luck with the fishing for your dinner feast.

    Nancy I.

  2. Dolphins are a great sign...happy to hear you're passed the halfway point in this journey....May the seas remain calm with steady winds and may you enjoy tuna sushi this travels
